
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Greatest Show

Kia Ora, 
Welcome back to another blog post, 
This is my home learning blog post for this week, 
I will be doing a biteable of my favourite movie and why its my favorite. 
My favorite movie is actually : The greatest Show,
This is the activity :
I chose to do a biteable because its easy to use and fun to create things. 
I also used biteable because its easy to show what you saying and the ideas are clear
But I won't bore you anymore here is my biteable:
Thanks for watching/reading
That's it for today, I hope you enjoy
What's your favourite movie.
Until next time.
- Bye

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Spring Learning Journey Prizes?

Kia Ora,
This is another blog post for today, 
I thought I would get my second blog post done for today so I don't have to worry about it.
This one will be about the Spring Learning Journey
If you don't know what that is, the Spring Learning Journey is, in the holidays you go on the Uru Manka site and do blog activities and comments. 
I did the spring earning journey, and I got 2nd place. 
You might of seen me do that learning journey on here, my score was about 45-47 im not sre,
Because one blog post is 1 point and comments is 2 points, but you had to do at least 6 posts.
So Emma came in and talked about the Summer Learning journey which is bigger and better, but she cm in also to give prizes this is what I got : 2 crunchie chocolate bars, two mini chocolates and a 30 $ farmer voucher, which are awesome prizes!
here are some photos of me getting my prize:

Thanks for watching/reading 
I hope you enjoyed. 
Did you do the spring learning journey? If so did you get a prize? What was it?
Ok but I will see you next time.....

My whole Novel Study?

Kia Ora,
Welcome back to another blog post,
This week we have been doing individual work,
So that's why I am doing this at home to finish what I need to finish.
So this is going to be on Novel Study,
I think I have showed a bit on it, if not then Novel Study is a book you choose from the start with speed dating on books, then you do a lot of activities (with how many chapters)
Then you do the creative activities, The end of it to finish it you have o blog it, which I am doing now.
So I will show you the finished product.
So after this I can change a few things but not a lot because I only 3 days to change anything if you guys have any feedback,
But apart from that here is the slides ( its pretty long ) 

Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed.
That was my novel study if you have any feedback make sure to comment that, because I only have 3 days to change some things.
But apart from that I hope you enjoyed.
Until next time - BYE

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What's Slidebean?

Kia Ora,
Welcome back to another blog post.
I will be dong my home learning blog for last week,
I wasn't there for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
I wasn't sure if I had to do a  blog post for this week because I was sick, I am not sure but i'm doing to anyways to be safe.
So this week I will be doing this :

I chose the website Slidebean, its a cool website I found I will explain on the website
Here it is:

I didn't know how to embed it into here so I screencastify it and will be learning more how to embed it.
My thoughts, I think yes is difficult but if I spent more time on it, it would be way easier to use and understand how this and that worked, it took some time to understand the basics and to watch the video, I think its a good change from google slides because i'm always using google slides so this is different and I like it.

Have you ever used it?
Until next time

Monday, November 18, 2019


Kia Ora,
Welcome back to another blog post,
This is Directions in Maori, I wasn't here for the mondays afternoons like I have been ats steps.
So I did the Treasure map and then I made a poster to show what to say the directions.
This posters will have the words in Maori then the words in english,
This is the words in the poster:Neke Whakamua Neke Whakamuri E Huri Whakamatau  E H uri Whakamautai
I found this challenging because its a lot different and some of them kind of sound the same.
But the treasure map I did before this was, on our computer you put your map to get to the treasure,
Then you go to 3 different people and they say go this way in Maori, and you try and get to the treasure and on the side you say if you got to the treasure
Now for my poster:
That was my poster,
I hope you enjoyed.
Do you know the direction in Maori?
Did this help?
Until next time-

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Weather In Christchurch Is A Bit Odd

Kia Ora,
Welcome back to another blog post, 
Since last week (week 5) It was a messy week from being at the show on Thursday and Wednesday out of school and Friday off, 
I forgot to do this so I am doing it now for last weeks.
I will be doing this activity: 
So I made a slide and put my screencastify in there,
I found this funny to create and it was fun to come up with your own weather.
Here it is:

I hope you enjoyed as much as I did,
This was very fun to create and come up with random weather ideas.
If you think I could improve in anyway make sure to comment what I should improve on.
Did you enjoy?
Would you do anything like this? If so what would you do?
Until next time- BYE

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Kia Ora,
This week is short as we have a lot this week,
On Monday and Tuesday was normal school but then,
Wednesday today we went to the Orchestra in town and then we went to the park the Margaret  
And thursday is the A&P show and tomorrow there is no school because its a holiday,
But today I will be Focusing on the Orchestra. 

We first got to school and did our times tables, then the bus came and we all went outside, 
(It wasn't just our class going to town it was the whole school) 

Then Rimu got on the bus and the other classes go on the oher buses (We had 4)
Then we got to the Town Hall and sat down in our seats. 
We watched many many songs, Then after it was all over we went and walked to the Margaret Park and sat down and had lunch, then after the lunch we played fr an 1 hour I think about around an hour,
then we had to go back to the bus we got on the bus, we got back to school and now I am making this blog.
Here is all the photos explained:
Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed,
Have you ever been to an Orchestra?
I Hope you enjoyed this and maybe you were there because there was a lot of other schools there
But I will see you next time- Bye

Friday, November 8, 2019

Story Web

Kia Ora,
Welcome back to another blog post,
Today I will be showing you story web for my Novel Study,
We have a new novel for the whole class, I have finished all of the work, now I move onto the activities for the book,
I will show the story web for the Anne Frank diary of the young girl
I will be showing you this to get feedback and maybe what I can improve on,
Before I show you I will talk about the book a bit to have an idea if you haven't read it

This book, is a diary of the young girl Anne Frank, she made a diary back when Hitler was the head leader of the Nazi group, so he was trying to kill the Jewish, and Anne frank and her family had to hid incase anything happened like getting shot or whatever and the stuff like meeting people etc:
Here is an example of a story web incase you didn't know : 
Image result for story web
I really enjoyed the book and I thought it was really good, I think that people that understood what happened back then would enjoy it and maybe people that know a lot about it would enjoy to see what it was really like. But personally I thought it was a great book it explained what it was ike and the difficulties and how she kept going.
Now here is my story web:
Thanks for reading/watching,
I hope you enjoyed and if you have any feedback or what I can improve on I would like to hear it,
Have you read this before?
If so did you enjoy it?
But apart from that, until next time-

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Home Learning

Kia Ora,
Welcome back to another blog post,
I will be doing a screencastify why we shouldn't do home learning ( Even though I don't mind home learning) 
I will show you the activity and then I will put my slide into this blog post.
Here is the activity : 
This is my slide and screencastify I hope you enjoy:

Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed,
If you think I can improve feel free to comment.
Until next time.
- Bye

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Kia Ora,
Welcome back to another blog post,
Today I will be blogging about our class book "Ghost" 
This is a book that we read as a class and then after we do activities on slides about the book ghost 
Plus on the slide we get to do a lot of things like words meaning,
Questions and activities and much more
This is the front cover of the book:
Image result for Ghost book
Ever heard of it?
Anyways I will show you somethings of my favourite stuff n my slide work.
I will show at least 3 examples.
So we have only done like 2 or 3 sessions on ghost but here is a few of them and I will explain on the bottom of them
This is the questions we have to answer and my answers are on there too so don't look at them if you don't want me to spoil some of the book

This was an activity you had to make the coach a business card and this is it.

This was another activity and you had to make ghost a active outfit.

Personally I am really enjoying the book I think its a really good book to show that his mum is poor but he still can have fun on the track and run when his mum is at work or after school, and that if he had a mess up for school he would be kicked off the track.
That was my blog post,
I hope you enjoyed it.
Have you read Ghost before?
If so how is it going or did you enjoy it ?
- Bye